If you are a previous student of mine from 4/4 School of Music:
First of all, great to see you here! Secondly, in my contract with 4/4 I agreed that I wouldn't teach any of my previous students from 4/4 for a full calendar year after my departure. This means that if I taught you there, I can't take you on as a student until December of 2025. I love the people at 4/4, and I always want to honor my contracts, so if you are still looking for a teacher on or after that date, I'd love to have you! However, if you sign up before then, I would not be able to take you on, and I'd have to refund your purchase. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, and I hope you're doing really well!
Payments are made once every 4 weeks through the subscription service on robertellislessons.com. No other form of payment is accepted. You may cancel your subscription at any time. Payment is due prior to the lessons for which it applies. Your timeslot is not reserved until payment has been received.
Refunds are only ever given if the teacher must cancel a lesson or if a lesson falls on one of the holidays listed below. When a refund is issued, it will be for the exact cost of the cancelled lesson(s). For example, if the teacher is sick, and cancels one 30 minute lesson for one week, the refund amount will be $45.00.
Refunds are not given for student cancellations for any reason. If a student cancels their subscription and has lessons remaining, no refund will be issued for the remaining lessons. The payment you make through your subscription is not just for the lessons, it is for reserving the timeslot as well.
When your payment is processed for a 4 week period in which one or more of your lessons falls on a holiday, you will be refunded the exact cost of said lessons. For example, if you have a 30 minute lesson that would be on December 24th, and you have another lesson in that holiday period on December 31st, your 4 week payment of $180.00 would be refunded $90.00, the cost of the two holiday period lessons.
New Years Day (January 1st)
Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
US Independence Day (July 4th)
Labor Day (first Monday in September)
Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday of November)
Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day (December 24th through January 1st)
Students that purchase in-person lessons may arrive for their lessons in-person, or via Zoom at their discretion. No prior notice is required. The Zoom waiting room will be open during each lesson in the event that an in-person student chooses to attend online.
Students that purchase online lessons may only arrive via Zoom. Due to city regulations, I can only have one customer vehicle arriving at my house per hour. This affects how I fit online and in-person students into my schedule. If an online student wants to have an occasional in-person lesson, or switch from online lessons to in-person lessons, it may be possible though it will be dependent on my in-person lesson availability.
Students must bring their own instrument to their lesson. If the student has not yet purchased an instrument, they may use a “loaner” guitar while at the teaching studio. The student will not be allowed to take the “loaner” guitar home under any circumstances.
Students do not need to bring an amplifier or cables—these are provided at the teaching studio.
Students should always bring any necessary picks and have a back-up set of strings in case a string breaks during a lesson. The teacher is not required to provide picks or strings. The teacher is not required to replace broken strings (though, time-permitting, I will gladly help you re-string the instrument).
Lessons are generally scheduled back-to-back with the teacher reserving the last couple of minutes at the end of each lesson for any remaining questions. Students may not stay overtime as they could be causing another student’s lesson to start late.
Students who arrive late will not be given additional time. Their lesson still ends at their stated timeslot.
Parents/Guardians are welcome to sit in on any of their children’s lessons, though it is not required. Children, such as siblings, who are not taking lessons must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
There is limited space available for waiting prior to, or after a lesson, so please be timely with picking up or dropping off students.
No food or drink is allowed in the teaching studio.
Smoking or vaping of any kind is strictly prohibited on the property.
Firearms and weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited on the property.
If a student arrives at a lesson inebriated, or clearly and contagiously sick, or the student exhibits dangerous / unruly behavior, the lesson will not take place, and they will be sent home. Refunds are not issued if a student must be sent home (please see the refund policy). If a student is sick, please consider attending your lesson via Zoom.
Parking is available in the driveway. Please park in front of the left (facing the house) or center garage door. Please do not park in front of the right (facing the house) garage door.
If you have any questions regarding any of the preceding information, or require clarification, please contact me through the contact page on robertellislessons.com.
Robert Ellis